Dear Parents,

Welcome to Reckleford School and Nursery! Thank you for taking the time to read our school’s prospectus. I trust that you will find it informative and that it will give you an appreciation of our priorities here at Reckleford. This in turn will enable you to make an informed decision with regards to your child’s primary education.

Happy, inspired & motivated children are vital to the success of any school, and we believe that our school provides a fun, caring & safe environment for your children to start developing & learning.

The dedicated and caring teaching and support staff work tirelessly to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to achieve. The Governing Body take pride in the achievements of the school & want every child to get the most from their time spent at Reckleford. This is achieved by enabling all of the children to experience a diverse curriculum & by the school continually striving to improve the standard of education offered.

We are all very proud of our school here at Reckleford & look forward to welcoming you & your children.

With best wishes,

Tony Hind
Chair of Governors

Name Governor Appointments Terms of Office Responsibility Meeting Attendance

1st September 2022 to 31st August 2023

Declaration of Business Interest
Mrs. Joanna Greathead Staff Permanent Headteacher 0 out of 0 None
Mr. Anthony Hind Appointed by the Governing Board


Co-opted Governor

8th February 2024 to 7th February 2028 Chair of Governors

Media Governor

Safeguarding Governor



9 out of 9 None
Mr. Matthew Parsons Parent Governor

Appointed by the parents

18th October 2021 to 17th October 2025 4 out of 7 ​Mercedes-Benz Retail Group Ltd.
Tara Evans Parent Governor

Appointed by the parents

20 April 2023 to 20 April 2027 1 out of 1 None
Chloe Pincott Elected by school staff 17 October 2023 to 17 October 2027

Ms. Vanessa May


Staff Permanent till August 31st 2023 Headteacher 7 out of 7 None

Ms. Anne-Marie Devlin

Appointed by the Governing Board.

Local Authority Governor

26th January 2015 to May 26th 2023 Chair of Governors

Early Years Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

SEN Governor

9 out of 9 None

Mrs Ruth Culham

Appointed by the Staff 27th January 2022 to August 31st 2023 7 out of 9 None

Ms Sharan James

Appointed by the governing board.

Co-opted governor.

27th January 2022 to May 26th 2023 Literacy Governor

Maths Governor

Outdoor Learning Governor

7 out of 7 None


As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.

Reckleford School & Nursery Governing Body

To be a Governor at Reckleford you must care about the experience children have at the start of their educational journey. You must be a passionate believer that all children, no matter what their experience, needs or challenges, should have an education which develops their emotional, physical and academic ability.

If that is you, we would love you to join our Governing Body – see the application form on this page.

The Three Core Functions of the Governing Board
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

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