Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools based on the number of children who are:

  • Eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Children who have been entitled to FSM in the last 6 years
  • Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces
  • Children who are in care (looked after) or have been adopted from care

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to improve standards.


This year we plan to use the Pupil Premium in the following ways:

  • Attendance and inclusion for all children across the school will be good.
  • Pastoral and emotional support will ensure all children develop positive self-esteem and the confidence to try new and challenging things
  • To ensure all children entitled to pupil premium funding make at least expected progress from their starting points across the curriculum.
  • To ensure teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all children and enhance their learning opportunities including ICT equipment, visits and visitors.
  • To employ a high level of experienced teaching assistants and teacher time to provide targeted, small group intervention.
  • To increase reading experiences and opportunities through new books, after school reading, rewards for the Rainbow Reading Challenge and broader on-line resources (phonics bug).
  • To deliver explicit vocabulary teaching from Nursery through the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
  • To ensure teachers have the most up to date knowledge, skills and resources for the national curriculum.
  • To provide free book bags for all and school jumpers for £1 for those who require them.

The next review date is September 2023

Vulnerable Groups

Our Pupil premium policy looks to support all children from ‘vulnerable’ backgrounds. ‘Vulnerability’ can have an enormous impact on the early development of children and their subsequent life chances.

We see ‘vulnerable’ children as those who:

  • Are entitled to Pupil premium
  • Are entitled to early years pupil premium
  • Meet the 2yo funding criteria
  • Have been subject to abuse and/or neglect
  • Have parents with mental health issues
  • Have witnessed abuse
  • In households where there are addictions
  • Have parents with learning diffulties or are fearful of schools
  • Are living with grandparents
  • Are refugees
  • Are new to the country
  • Have moved a lot
  • Are in a refuge

The impact of these early experiences can result in anxiety, mistrust, low self esteem, fear of constraint and routine, difficulty in forming relationships with adults and children.

Some children can start school developmentally 18 months – 2 years behind other children of the same age. It is crucial that we provide a great educational start for all our children and that we make every effort to diminish those early disadvantages. Our vision is that all our children will develop a love of learning and experience real joy in their successes.

For more information and detail on the impact of pupil premium spending, please see the ‘Pupil Premium Grant’ document above.

Pupil Premium Documents:

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