School and Nursery Organisation

School Organisation

There is an 72 place nursery called ‘Rainbow Room’ which is a Local Authority Nursery. The nursery is open Monday to Friday, term time only.

Nursery Sessions are: 9.00 am – 12.00 noon and 12.00 noon until 3.00 pm.
Nursery children are able to access either morning sessions or afternoon sessions from Monday to Friday or both sessions (30 hours).

There are 3 Infants Classes in the school:

  • YrR-Squirrels
  • Yr1-Hedgehogs
  • Yr2-Badgers

Pupil Care

  • Please note there is no parking for parents in the school car park). Parking permits are available for local car parks.  (Please see Mrs White in the school office if you require one)
  • Please inform your child’s class teacher if they arrive with an injury (cut, graze, bump etc.) and you will be able to complete an ‘accident on arrival’ form.
  • In the Reception Class parents are invited to bring their children into the classroom in order to settle them.
  • No Child should be left unattended in a classroom if the teacher/TA is not there.
  • Children will be let out gradually at the end of the day so that staff can be sure that the expected adult is there to pick up their child.​
  • Please inform the class teacher or TA at the start of the day if someone different is to pick up your child.  If it is a new person you will be asked to provide a password (that the new person will be able to give) and a name and description.
  • ​If your child has a ‘prescribed’ medicine, from a GP, this may be given by staff after a form is completed which parents sign each day it is administered​
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