British Values at Reckleford School

At Reckleford, we are ambitious for every child. We want every child to love their time at school and grow to be confident and enthusiastic learners and happy members of their community. We want to inspire ambition for their future education and beyond.

Article 1 ‘Every child has all the Rights of the UN Convention’ Article 12’The Right to a voice’ Article 8 ‘The Right to an identity’ Article 13 ‘Freedom of expression’ Article 14 ‘Freedom of thought’ Article 15 ‘Freedom of association’


  • At Reckleford we encourage children to make decisions together.
  • We work hard to improve the self-confidence and self-esteem of all children and help them see that they are an important part of the school.
  • Children are taught that their views count through class discussions, assemblies, collaborative working and through the school council.
  • We encourage all children to value each other’s opinions.
  • We demonstrate and experience democracy through school council elections with campaign speeches and secret ballots.
  • We aim to develop enquiring minds.


  • At Reckleford we ensure all children understand their own and others’ behaviour and the need to be safe, happy and tidy.
  • Children take part in creating class rules and whole school rules and they know that they are important.


  • At Reckleford we support all children to develop a positive sense and understanding of themselves.
  • We develop self-esteem through positive approaches to learning which helps every child to understand their own abilities and supports their confidence to improve.
  • We teach the language of feelings and responsibility and reflect positively on our differences.
  • We support children to know that we are free to have different opinions.


  • At Reckleford we teach children to treat other people with kindness and respect.
  • All adults model polite and positive behaviour.
  • All views, faiths, cultures and races and gender are valued in the school and wider community.
  • We value and promote differences between each other and each other’s families.
  • We promote diverse attitudes and challenge intolerance and stereotypes through stories, discussions and shared experiences.

We aim for every day at Reckleford to be a positive and rewarding experience for everyone in our community.

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